Contributions are accepted from scholars, researchers and practitioners who offer insights into historical, theoretical, practice-based, and pedagogy-orientated considerations and discussions of culture, performing and visual arts disciplines. All articles should be original and must not be under consideration by another journal.
All other submissions should be between 3500-7500 words accompanied by an abstract, keywords and a short biographical note to the editor. Short notes and comments contributions of up to 1.000 words that facilitate debate and exchange with practitioners and scholars are also accepted.
Submissions are done on an ongoing basis. The journal contributors receive a copy of the entire issue.
The manuscripts must not contain any reference to the authors or the institution they belong to. The authors must ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in such a way that they do not reveal their identities to reviewers, either directly or indirectly.
a) Standard formatting of 12-point font, 1.5- spaced, Times New Roman, 2.5cm margins all round. Use italics in lieu of underlining. Notes should be converted to footnotes. Page numbers should be added on the top right corner (header) on every page.
b) Title Page formatting (roman alphabet – English/French).
Title: it should be written in Times New Roman 12, Italics, bold, upper case, justified. It should not be longer than two lines. Should there be quotes or other expressions that justify it, they should always appear between straight quotation marks.
Tables and graphs must be numbered and should have their captions above and reference beneath. They MUST be cited in preceding with the corresponding number.
Sub-titles (optional): should there be a sub-title, it should be written in Times New Roman 12, italics, bold, upper case, justified. It should not be longer than two lines. Should there be quotes or other expressions that justify it, they should always appear between straight quotation marks.
Abstract: under 300 words and under 1000 characters in standard formatting.
Keywords: 3-7 Keywords in Times New Roman 12, italics, single space, justified.
The Journal uses the APA stylesheet. Contributors are called upon to follow the examples below:
Moreno, J.L., (1923). Théâtre de la Spontanéité. Paris: L’Epi
Landy, R., & Montgomery, D., (2012). Theatre for change. Education, social action and therapy. Hampshire and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Langelier, K. M., (1985). From Text to Social Context. Literature in Performance 6, 60-70
Markovska, J. (2008). Performativity and Theatricality: on the concepts and their use. In E. Dalbye and C. Refsun (Eds.), Kritikk, dommekraft og intervensjon, 8 – 9.
McCammon, L.A., (2007). Research on Drama and Theater for Social Change. In L. Bresler (Ed.), International Handbook of Research in Arts Education (pp.945-964). London: Springer.
An APC fee of 50.000FCFA or $100 is paid after acceptance of the paper.
The payment method will be sent to you by email upon acceptance of the paper.